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Why You Want It


Oxygen Forensic® Detective Network Have better insight into your employees’ data, quickly respond to workplace incidents, and easily build reports for internal investigations. Oxygen Forensic® Detective Network is cost-efficient solution for organizations with multiple users and remote workstations.

How does it work?

Oxygen Forensic® Detective Network is a cost-efficient solution for organizations with multiple users and remote workstations. The Network license has all the Detective features included.


The Benefits.

You can extract data from multiple sources, analyze it using the built-in analytical tools, and make reports.

Server-based solution: This is a server-based solution. One computer, running the Oxygen Forensic® Detective Network software with a single USB Network dongle manages all the connections. You can choose how many concurrent connections you need. Oxygen Forensic® Detective Network is distributed in 5, 10, 20, and 50 concurrent connections.


Connect to Detective Network anywhere in the world: Oxygen Forensic® Detective Network allows both local and Internet connections. You are not limited to only using Oxygen Forensic® Detective in a lab. You can smoothly connect to the Network server from any part of the world.


Build custom reports: Easily build a custom report only showing the data that can help build your case. Our interface is user-friendly and easy for someone who may not understand digital forensics.


In the field access: With Oxygen Forensic® Detective Network the administrator or expert can create a regular dongle, checking out a license for a set number of days, and you can take the dongle to places that might not have access to the remote license server, for example, in the field.