Cellebrite Legalview

Seamlessly integrate mobile device data into your existing eDiscovery solution


Cellebrite, the leader in mobile forensics solutions, has collaborated with Relativity to simplify the ingestion of modern data from mobile devices directly into their cloud eDiscovery platform, RelativityOne.



Access all Data Sources Pertinent to a Case, Including Critical Data from Mobile Devices


Legal professionals need access to all data sources pertinent to a case, including data from mobile devices, such as text messages or photos. Keeping up with the latest technology enhancements of iOS and Android devices continues to be a major challenge.



Until now, eDiscovery professionals had to spend hours converting data into a format that could be entered in a review platform. Once digital data is extracted and decoded from devices and applications, it needs to be converted into a format that is readable and ready for review for legal and investigative professionals. The integration of Cellebrite Legalview, an add-on of Physical Analyzer, and RelativityOne provides a seamless connection of systems for all your mobile forensics and eDiscovery needs.


  • By integrating data from Cellebrite’s Physical Analyzer (PA), with RelativityOne through the Legalview integration, organizations can now quickly and efficiently decode, convert, process and review data from mobile devices.
  • This new solution makes it easier and faster to decode data from the largest number of chat applications including chat applications with ephemeral data and input the most modern data from mobile devices into RelativityOne.

Key Benefits

  • Accelerate the time to review with automated conversion and data transfer
  • Minimize human error and maintain chain of custody with seamless integration between platforms
  • End to end eDiscovery solution for mobile data collection and litigation and investigative review