At ADF, we are mission-driven. We are delighted to serve those who serve and some of our most exciting times are when we are adding new features and capabilities when we learn how they are being used, and of course, on launch days. We hope you’ll love what we’ve created.
New version features
ADF solutions have been hard at work(remotely, of course) to create new product versions that will help investigators every day.
We are proud to announce our newest software release which includes updates to the following products:
- Mobile Device Investigator version 2.5.2 (MDI)
- MDI Field Tablet version 2.5.2
- Digital Evidence Investigator version 2.5.2 (DEI)
- Digital Evidence Investigator PRO version 2.5.2 (DEI PRO)
- DEI PRO Field Tablet version 2.5.2
- Field Investigator for Teams 5.5.2
- Field Investigator PRO for Teams 5.5.2
- Triage-Investigator version 5.5.2 (TINV)
- Triage-Investigator PRO version 5.5.2 (TINV PRO)
- Triage-G2 version 5.5.2 (TG2)
- Triage-G2 PRO version 5.5.2 (TG2 PRO
Updated files and artifact capturesWe have added new and updated forensic artifact captures including:
- Safari (Bookmarks extraction on iOS, macOS)
- Firefox (Search Terms extraction on Android-rooted, iOS, macOS, Windows)
- Chromium (Bookmarks extraction on Android, Android-rooted, iOS, iOS-rooted, macOS, Windows)
- Brave Browser (Bookmarks, Browser Cache, Downloads, Browsing History, Search Terms extraction on Windows, macOS)
- Communication > Messages (Signal on iOS-rooted, Android-rooted)