Training News
Extracting Cloud Data From Facebook, Mega, and Dropbox-Free Webinar
Oxygen Forensic Cloud Extractor is a built in tool that can access over 100 cloud based platforms.
In this webinar we will be looking at using Oxygen Forensic Cloud extractor to extract data from a few cloud based platforms, i.e. Facebook, Mega and Dropbox. After attending this webinar you will be able to showcase the creation of a new cloud extraction, importing a credentials package, and saving extracted data. Overall, this webinar will ease your mind about cloud data extraction.
The webinar is taking place on April 22, 2022. Click the link below to register for the webinar
Oxygen Forensic® Detective Viewer
This is a training course which centers on a non-technical review of case data. after taking this training students will be able to navigate the Viewer interface to discover the most sought-after data, search for and tag evidence, and create detailed reports in various export formats. The next session for this training will be held on April 25, 2022. Click the link below to attend the session
Oxygen Forensic® Advanced Analyis
This is a three day instructor led training event which is a direct successor to out Boot Camp course. and continues with deep dives into analytics, database parsing, and more. After taking this training, students will learn to investigate IoT devices, take deep dives into application cache database files and correlate data from multiple sources in scenario-based exercises. The next session for this training is on May 3,2022 which will be held remotely.
To view our full 2022 Training Calendar click the link below