Entity Extraction Add-on




Entity extraction capabilities can be purchased as an add-on for any of the other ADF digital forensic tools.


Integrated with ADF, this add-on performs Entity Extraction and Language Identification to provide an English gloss (Gisting) for over 200 languages with built-in Natural Language Processing (NLP). There is no need to load separate dictionaries or even know beforehand what language(s) are contained within your documents.  The add-on will not only tell you what languages are there but will give you an English gloss to give you better insight for better decisions.


The Add-on: 


  • Identifies over 40 different entity types
  • Simultaneous extraction in over 230+ different languages
  • Powerful Gisting / Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities built-in


Rosoka optimizes insights so digital forensic investigators can make better decisions. The Rosoka Add-on is ideal for any military, police, sheriff, constable, or investigative units faced with investigating cases that involve unknown languages or unstructured data.  English Language GIST capabilities provide investigators with a basic understanding of a document’s contents. Rosoka is not designed to replace a full translation service but instead helps the investigator quickly identify potential evidence of importance to their case.


The Rosoka Add-on is easy to use and tightly integrated with ADF digital forensic software. Learn how investigators use the powerful text analysis, entity extraction, language identification, and gisting during their field or lab investigation.


English GIST Support Example


Rosoka’s English GIST capabilities are intelligent enough to not only span across various scripts but also determine if you should see a transliteration or a gloss.


  • 블라디미르 푸틴, will simply be transliterated to Vladimir Putin.
  • While an instance like, 溫家寶 will be transliterated to Wen Jia-Bao.


However, there may be cases when you don’t want a transliteration, but actual translations of the entity. With something like, “國務院”, it makes more sense to see the Department of State rather than only a transliteration of guo wu yuan.


Entity Extraction


​Combining Rosoka’s out-of-the-box Entity Extraction of over 3 dozen different Entity Types with the ability to easily customize to your industry standards, Rosoka accurately identifies important identities that matter to you. The Rosoka Add-on powers ADF software with entity extraction, allowing you to make rapid, actionable decisions no matter what language you encounter.