NIMBUS Intelligence

Elevating Insight

An Innovative Solution to Every Stage of the Intelligence Cycle


NIMBUS Intelligence is an innovative solution to every stage of the intelligence cycle delivering high quality, best practice management of intelligence within any investigative environment.


A Completely Seamless, Consistent Intelligence & Investigation Experience


NIMBUS Intelligence users can create and submit intelligence reports and record, store, develop and task activity as required. Intelligence can be submitted, sanitised, risk assessed, permissioned and disseminated within the cycle.


In addition, NIMBUS Intelligence has been designed to work in parallel with NIMBUS Investigator via a consistent, intuitive UI experience, so where cases develop from intelligence into full investigations, the transition is seamless between both product offerings.


  • Cross-product Functionality
    Designed to work seamlessly with NIMBUS Investigator & Forensics.
  • Efficiency & Integrity
    Built by experienced investigation & intelligence professionals.
  • A Seamless User Experience
    A consistent user interface across compatible products.
  • Aligning with Excellence
    Adhering to The College of Policing and FVEY intelligence Framework
  • Quality Assured
    Setting the industry standard for best practice and accuracy.
  • Fully Scalable
    Designed to handle simple to complex investigations.


Catch the Bad Guys Faster Why NIMBUS Intelligence?


Designed & Built by Experts


NIMBUS Intelligence draws upon our vast experience of investigation and intelligence professionals and subject matter experts, resulting in a solution that delivers efficiency, integrity and best practice to organisational processes. Investigators routinely use intelligence as a key tool in their investigative approach. Often, a single piece of intelligence will result in a large and complex investigation.


The Business Case for Intelligence


There is a clear need for any organisation that conducts investigations to have the ability to manage intelligence. Describing the importance of intelligence, the UK’s National Crime Agency states: “Intelligence is at the heart of everything we do. An accurate intelligence picture allows us to effectively prioritise action against the greatest threats and deliver the maximum disruptive impact on serious organised crime.”


A Best-in-Class Intelligence Tool


For any organisation to have an accurate picture of its intelligence gathering and analysis capability in order to glean actionable insights that inform all activity, it follows that the platform used must be industry-leading and in accordance with the highest possible standards.


NIMBUS Intelligence is “the smarts” of the ecosystem enables scale, speed, efficiency and integrity across your intelligence gathering operations.