NIMBUS Investigator

Unlocking Justice

A Comprehensive Investigation Lifecycle Platform


NIMBUS Investigator is a cutting-edge platform tailored specifically for the dynamic needs of investigators, designed to empower efficient execution and management of every facet of an investigation.


Tailored Functionality for the Global Investigations Community


NIMBUS Investigator is designed to provide a different approach and access to the NIMBUS ecosystem and will leverage the power of the platform in a simplified way. Investigator has been designed by Investigators for Investigators and the information is presented to allow efficient execution and management of every aspect of an investigation.


  • Holistic Approach
    In-depth coverage for investigations, intelligence and analytics.
  • Disclosure Management
    Fully managed disclosure and review platform from start to finish.
  • Investigative AI
    Streamlining Entity Recognition, Summarisation, and Timelines.
  • Intuitive UI
    A redesigned, simplified user interface for investigators.
  • Remote Access
    Harnessing the power of the NIMBUS ecosystem for out-of-office work.
  • Fully Scalable
    Designed to handle simple to complex investigations.
  • Feature-rich
    Built to address the key issues with incumbent technologies.
  • Speed & Strength
    Reduces the investigation lifecycle through intelligence, efficiency & integrity.


Catch the Bad Guys Faster Why NIMBUS Investigator?


Transforming Investigations


For many years, investigators at all levels, both public and private, and all disciplines aligned with an investigation, have been bottlenecked into siloed systems designed to deal with reports of failings and conformity rather than utilising the latest technology to assist and guide investigators through the complex paths of accountability that exist today.



Making Investigators’ Lives Easier


NIMBUS Investigator facilitates remote working with a centralised core to orchestrate activity through actions, tasking, notifications, messaging with an almost instant update and feed to the Investigation command. The information is presented to allow efficient management of every aspect of the investigation.



Fully Loaded with Functionality


NIMBUS Investigator builds upon the capabilities of NIMBUS ecosystem to address the key issues with incumbent investigation platforms, such as accountability, timeliness & visibility, action management & decision making, intelligence sharing & collaboration, chain of custody, resource & people management, connectivity and case report building.


NIMBUS Investigator was designed and built by Investigators for Investigators, leveraging our subject matter expertise, and the power of the NIMBUS ecosystem to provide scale, speed and efficiency across any investigation.