Product Type

Passware Rainbow Tables for Windows

Passware Rainbow Tables for Windows

Instant recovery of Windows user passwords from NTLM hashes

Instant recovery of Windows user passwords


Passware Rainbow Tables for Windows is a ready-to-use set of rainbow tables designed to recover Windows user passwords from NTLM hashes in a predictable time frame, ranging from minutes to hours, depending on the size of the rainbow table. The decryption is performed locally with the 99% success rate.


The set comes on an external USB HDD and is 3.6 TB in size. All the tables are in RTI2 format. Learn more on the Passware Knowledge Base.


Guaranteed success rate


Success rate is 99% for Windows passwords.


Fast decryption


Passwords are recovered within a few minutes.


All Windows versions


All versions of MS Windows are supported.


Ready set of tables


No need to compile the tables and load gigabytes of data: the set is ready to use directly from the delivered HDD.


Data security


No data leaves your computer, the decryption is performed offline using the built-in Rainbow Tables attack.


Unlimited access


No limitation on the number of files processed or passwords recovered.