Why You Want It

Proton Erased / Non-Usable Labels

Keep track of when digital medias have been erased with a roll of our “Erased / Non-Usable”stickers. Every company with a degausser should have these on hand.


This roll of 1,000 labels are the perfect supplement for any of our degaussers to identify your hard drives and other media as erased and unusable. Since a hard drive disk looks the same before and after degaussing, employees can be left wondering whether or not the drive has been degaussed. Remove all opportunities for confusion with these 1.5″ x 3″ self-adhesive red labels. After degaussing, stick one on your drive to provide quick identification of degaussed media.

Additional information

Size 1.5″ x 3″
Quantity Roll of 1,000 stickers
Color Red