Belkasoft Evidence Center 2016

What’s New in Version 7.4 Version 7.4 is a revolutionary update of world’s leading digital forensic tool Belkasoft Evidence Center. Multiple major analytical functions are accompanied by a pack of usability and user interface improvements. Performance and...

Magnet IEF v6.6

Magnet Forensics has released Magnet IEF v6.6. This release adds a number of new and advanced analysis features to IEF that will aid examiners in locating and validating recovered data. These features include Hex Viewer, Text Viewer, Profile development capabilities,...

Nuix 6.2

Nuix 6.2 is a major release of the Nuix Engine, our eDiscovery and Investigator products, and our Director and Web Review & Analytics web applications. It includes a vast range of new features and capabilities that will benefit all Nuix customers and...

Internet Examiner Toolkit v5

SiQuest has released Internet Examiner Toolkit (IXTK) Version 5. With this next generation of software, IXTK features FaceDNA, a sophisticated biometric facial recognition add-on (included at no additional cost) to their Internet Examiner Tookit. With FaceDNA,...