Atola Insight Forenic 5.3 is out

Atola Insight Forenic 5.3 is out

Atola Insight Forensic 5.3 is out! We are delighted to launch the new Insight Forensic software update. Cryptocurrency artifact search during/after imaging Insight Forensic 5.3 now do a live search of cryptocurrency artifacts: BIP39 mnemonic phrase...
Email Forensics Training by Metaspike

Email Forensics Training by Metaspike

USD$1,950 Live training on forensic email investigations over the Internet. Approximately 8 hours in duration, spread across two consecutive days. See the details below for the syllabus. No commercial email forensics software is needed. We will provide a list of...
Forensic Email Collector (FEC) v3.85 is here!

Forensic Email Collector (FEC) v3.85 is here!

We are excited to announce Forensic Email Collector (FEC) v3.85 is here! Here is what’s new: 👍🏻 Disk Image Output The ability to automatically pack FEC’s output into containers is finally here! You can have FEC containerize its MIME and MSG output in VHDX format...