Belkasoft Evidence Center makes it easy for an investigator to search, analyze, store and share digital evidence found inside computer and mobile devices. The toolkit will quickly extract digital evidence from multiple sources by analyzing hard drives, drive images, memory dumps, iOS, Blackberry and Android backups, UFED, JTAG and chip-off dumps.
What’s new in Belkasoft X v.1.15
Belkasoft Triage T v.1.2 is released
Belkasoft transitions R&D to new Cyprus location
What’s new in Belkasoft X v.1.12
Belkasoft Linux Forensics, eDiscovery Updates, Decryption Training
Why Belkasoft should be your tool of choice for Mobile Forensics
Belkasoft news: New release of Belkasoft X, call for papers for BelkaDay conference
New Belkasoft X is here
Belkasoft Announces the Launch of the New Product—Belkasoft Evidence Center X
Belkasoft supports checkm8 for iOS 14
Belkasoft v.9.2 Released!
Belkasoft Evidence Center 2018 v.9.2 (or, in short, BEC) is an all-on-one forensic solution, combining computer, RAM, mobile and cloud forensics in a single tool. Given its affordable price, it is one of the best choices among other available products on the market.
Belkasoft v.9.1 Is Released!
Belkasoft Evidence Center 2018 v.9.1 (or, in short, BEC) is an all-on-one forensic solution, combining computer, RAM, mobile and cloud forensics in a single tool. Given its affordable price, it is one of the best choices among other available products on the market.
Belkasoft Evidence Center 2018 v.9.0 Is Coming!
The Belkasoft team is working hard to meet the end-March deadline for the release of the version 9.0 of BEC 2018.
Belkasoft Evidence Center 2016
Belkasoft Evidence Center makes it easy for an investigator to search, analyze, store and share digital evidence found inside computer and mobile devices. The toolkit will quickly extract digital evidence from multiple sources by analyzing hard drives, drive images, memory dumps, iOS, Blackberry and Android backups, UFED, JTAG and chip-off dumps.